Parsha Balak

Balaam sees the angel - Numbers Chapter 22
Balaam sees the angel – Numbers Chapter 22

This week’s parsha is Balak: Numbers 22:2-25:9

Balak (22:2-25:9) – (Balak):
Haftorah: Micah 5:6-6:8 (Ashkenazi); Micah 5:6-6:8 (Sephardi)
22:2-19: Balaam 23:11-17: Balak’s anger
22:20-22: God’s ambiguous permission 23:18-24: Balaam’s second blessing
22:23-27: God impedes Balaam’s path 23:25-30: Balak’s anger and further request
22:28-30: Balaam’s she-donkey speaks 24:1-9: Balaam’s third blessing
22:31-35: Balaam sees the angel 24:10-13: Balak’s renewed anger
22:36-41: Balak’s rebuke 24:14-25 Balaam’s last prophecy
23:1-6: Balaam’s altar offerings 25:1-6: Baalam’s plot
23:7-10: Balaam’s first blessing 25:7-9: Phinehas’ zealotry

D’var Torah: Who’s Word Is It Anyway

Torah Pearls: Parsha Balak

This week’s Haftarah is: Micah 5:6-6:8 (Ashkenazi); Micah 5:6-6:8 (Sephardi)

Chapter 5: God declares that the end times Moshiach will come from the line of David. His fame will grow and he will lead the people under the guidance of God. The people of Israel will only rely upon God during the war of Gog and Magog. After the war, the people of Israel will live in eternal peace. They will come to realize that they must put their faith only in God and not in man.

Chapter 6: Micah levels accusations against Israel for her sins. However, she is told that all she needs to do in order to repent is to do justice, act in loving kindness, and walk modestly with God.