Parsha Noach – 5777

Aliya-by-Aliya Parashat Noach

“The exile of Adam and Chava from Gan Eden, Kayin and Hevel, the continuous degeneration (PI) through successive generations until G-d’s “regret” for having created the world and His “decision” to destroy it.”

Torah Sparks: Noach

“The Tower of Babel story is unusual. We are not quite sure what the sin was in this episode since it is never stated explicitly.”

Learning Lessons From and With God

“In many ways, Parashat Noach is filled with as many theological problems as answers. Chief among them is why after creating the world and all living things, God destroys “all that lives under the heavens” (Genesis 6:17). ”

Symbolism of Rainbows

“In this week’s parasha our attention is focused on Noah and his family’s experience in the ark. The flood has subsided and the doors of the ark have opened.”

Haftarah Parshat Noach

“The association between this week’s Torah reading and the haftarah is based on a single verse found in the haftarah: “For this to Me is like the water of Noah: as I swore that the waters of Noah would never flood the earth, so I swear that I will not be angry with you or rebuke you.” (54:9)”