Parsha Chayei Sara – 5777

Aliya-by-Aliya Parashat Chayei Sara 5760

“The parsha begins by telling us that Sara died in Kiryat Arba, which is Hevron. But first it tells us that she lived a full, long life of 127 years.
With the last theme of Vayeira being the AKEIDA, the juxtaposition of Sara’s death supports our Tradition that Sara died as a result of the Akeida.”

Torah Sparks: Hayyei Sarah 5777

“This week’s parashah, Hayyei Sarah, is named after the “recently” deceased Matriarch Sarah. You may have missed the announcement of her marriage to Avram three weeks ago, at the end of Parshat Noah. Gen. 11:29 reports the marriages of the brothers, Avram and Nahor, sons of Terah: the first to Sarai, and the latter to Milka.”

A Legacy of Kindness, Generosity, and Love

“Ironically, this week’s Torah portion, Chayei Sarah (“Sarah lived”), is not about Sarah’s life but about her legacy. Beginning with mention of her death and of Abraham’s great mourning for her, the parashah primarily focuses on the Bible’s first story of betrothal, namely that of Isaac to his cousin Rebekah.”

Filling in the Missing Pieces of Sarah’s Life

“Should we be surprised that a parsha entitled “Hayey Sarah,” or, the life of Sarah, in fact opens with the death of Sarah, and encompasses nothing of her life story? Torah is full of round-about tales and messages. Here is one that is perhaps more significant for being less straightforward. It is about Sarah, and yet not about one person, for it clearly connects to the origins of a people.”

Haftarah Parshat Hayei Sarah

“This week’s haftarah is not just a story about an elderly king and his journey towards old age. It is also a tale of palace intrigue where princes vie for his throne. And so, an elderly David is oblivious to the fact that one of his sons, Adonijah, had declared himself king and arranged a huge festive gathering to celebrate the occasion.”