Category Judaism 101

Judaism 101: What is the Midrash?

In Rabbinic Judaism, the Midrash is the body of homiletic stories told by Jewish rabbinic sages to explain passages in the Tanakh. Midrash is a method of interpreting biblical stories that goes beyond simple distillation of religious, legal, or moral…

Judaism 101: What is Judaism?

Torah Scrolls

What is Judaism? Sources: 1Alieza Salzberg. “Judaism after the Temple: Coping with destruction and building for the future.” MyJewishLearning, n.d. [] 2I. Epstein. “Tractate Gittin.” [] 3American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. “Tradition.” Jewish Virtual Library, 2008. [] 4I. Epstein. “Tractate Berachot.” []…