Tag Aaron

Parsha Eikev – 5777

the golden calf

Parshat Eikev In-Depth “Because you hearken to these laws (Deuteronomy 7:12) The commentaries dwell on the Hebrew word eikev in this verse—an uncommon synonym for “because.” Many see a connection with the word akeiv (same spelling, different pronunciation), which means…

Parsha Chukat – 5777

Moses strikes the rock

Parshat Chukat In-Depth “In everything that G‑d taught Moses, He would tell him both the manner of contamination and the manner of purification. When G‑d came to the laws concerning one who comes in contact with a dead body, Moses…

Parsha Shemini – 5777

Nadab and Abihu - Leviticus Chapter 10

Parshat Shemini In-Depth “It came to pass on the eighth day (Leviticus 9:1) That day took ten crowns: It was the first day of creation (i.e., a Sunday), the first for the offerings of the nesi’im (tribal heads), the first…

Parsha Tzav – 5777

Making Aaron's garments - Exodus Chapter 28

Parshat Tzav In-Depth “The expression tzav (“command”) implies an urging for now and for future generations. (Torat Kohanim; Rashi) The king Moshiach will arise and restore the kingdom of David to its glory of old, to its original sovereignty. He…

Parsha Vayakhel-Pekudei – 5777

jewish tabernacle

Parshat Vayakhel In-Depth and Parshat Pekudei In-Depth “Moses assembled the entire congregation of the children of Israel (35:1) This was on the morning after Yom Kippur, the day that Moses descended from the mountain [with the second tablets]. (Rashi)” ……

Parsha Tetzaveh – 5777


Parshat Tetzaveh In-Depth “And you shall command . . . (27:20) Tetzaveh is the only Parshah in the Torah since Moses’ birth in which Moses’ name does not appear (with the exception of the book of Deuteronomy, which consists mostly…

Parsha Bo – 5777

blood on the doorposts

Parshat Bo In-Depth “G‑d said to Moses: ‘Come in to Pharaoh’ (10:1) Rabbi Shimon [bar Yochai] continued: It is now fitting to reveal mysteries connected with that which is above and that which is below. Why is it written, ‘Come…