Tag Altar

Parsha Tzav – 5777

Making Aaron's garments - Exodus Chapter 28

Parshat Tzav In-Depth “The expression tzav (“command”) implies an urging for now and for future generations. (Torat Kohanim; Rashi) The king Moshiach will arise and restore the kingdom of David to its glory of old, to its original sovereignty. He…

Parshat Re’eh

This week’s parsha is Re’eh (Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17) Torah Pearls: Re’ehv Parsha Re’ehv (Union for Reform Judaism) Parsha Re’eh (United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism) Parsha Re’eh (Orthodox Union) Parsha Re’eh (Jewish Reconstructionist Communities) Re’eh: A Music Video Based Upon Moses’s Words…