Tag Blessings

Parsha Vayechi – 5777

Jacob blessing Ephraim and Manasseh

Parshat Vayechi In-Depth “When Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch (1789–1866) was a child attending cheder, his teacher taught the verse ‘Jacob lived for seventeen years in the land of Egypt’ according to the commentary of the Baal HaTurim—that Jacob lived…

Parsha Ki Tavo

This week’s parsha is Ki Tavo: Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8 Ki Tavo (26:1-29:8) – (When You Enter): Haftorah: Isaiah 60:1-22 (Ashkenazi); Isaiah 60:1-22 (Sephardi) 26:1-4: First fruits 27:11-26: Blessings and curses 26:5-11: Declaration 28:1-14: The blessing for fulfilling the commandments 26:12-15: Confession…

Parsha Balak

This week’s parsha is Balak: Numbers 22:2-25:9 Balak (22:2-25:9) – (Balak): Haftorah: Micah 5:6-6:8 (Ashkenazi); Micah 5:6-6:8 (Sephardi) 22:2-19: Balaam 23:11-17: Balak’s anger 22:20-22: God’s ambiguous permission 23:18-24: Balaam’s second blessing 22:23-27: God impedes Balaam’s path 23:25-30: Balak’s anger and…

Parsha Behar-Bechukotai

This week’s parsha is Behar-Bechukotai: Leviticus 25:1-27:34 Behar (25:1-26:2) – (On The Mount): Haftorah: Jeremiah 32:6-27 (Ashkenazi); Jeremiah 32:6-22 (Sephardi) 25:1-7: Shemittah/Sabbatical Year 25:35-38: Preventing poverty 25:8-13: Yovel/Jubilee Year 25:39-46: A Jew’s Jewish “slave” 25:14-22: Sequence of the passages 25:47-55:…