Tag Caleb

Parsha Sh’lach – 5777

grapes of canaan

Parshat Sh’lach In-Depth “Send out for yourself men (Numbers 13:2) ‘Send out for yourself’—as your mind dictates. I am not instructing you; if you so desire, send. For the people of Israel had come to Moses, saying ‘Let us send…

Parsha Shelach

This week’s parsha is Shelach: Numbers 13:1-15:41 Shelach (13:1-15:41) – (Send): Haftorah: Joshua 2:1-24 (Ashkenazi); Joshua 2:1-24 (Sephardi) 13:1-15: The command to send spies to Eretz Yisrael 14:26-39: God spells out the decree 13:16-26: Moses prays for Joshua 14:40-45: A…

Parsha Shelach Lekha

This week’s parsha is Shelach Lekha (Numbers 13:1-15:41) Sh’lach L’cha – Union for Reform Judaism Parsha Shelach Lekha – United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Parshas Shelach – Orthodox Union Parsha Shelach in English Parsha Shelach Lecha: The Spies and Their…