Tag Canaan

Parsha Sh’lach – 5777

grapes of canaan

Parshat Sh’lach In-Depth “Send out for yourself men (Numbers 13:2) ‘Send out for yourself’—as your mind dictates. I am not instructing you; if you so desire, send. For the people of Israel had come to Moses, saying ‘Let us send…

Parsha Lech Lecha – 5777

caravan of Abram

Aliya-by-Aliya Parashat Lech Lecha ““Leave your land, birthplace, father’s house.” Ramban explains that each “point of departure” was progressively more difficult for Avraham. Leaving one’s land is difficult, even more so if he was born there. Leaving one’s family is…

Parshat Mase’ei

This week’s parsha is Mase’ei (Numbers 33:1-36:13) Torah Pearls: Mase’ei Parsha Mase’ei (Union for Reform Judaism) Parsha Mase’ei (United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism) Parsha Mase’ei (Orthodox Union) Masei: A Biblical Case Study on Urban Planning

Parsha Shelach Lekha

This week’s parsha is Shelach Lekha (Numbers 13:1-15:41) Sh’lach L’cha – Union for Reform Judaism Parsha Shelach Lekha – United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Parshas Shelach – Orthodox Union Parsha Shelach in English Parsha Shelach Lecha: The Spies and Their…