Tag Devarim

Parsha Devarim – 5777

Moses speaks to Israel

Parshat Devarim In-Depth “These are the words which Moses spoke to all Israel on the other side of the Jordan, in the desert, in the Aravah, opposite Suf, between Paran and Tofel, and Lavan, and Chatzerot, and Di-Zahav (Deuteronomy 1:1)…

Parsha Ha’azinu

This week’s parsha is Ha’azinu: Deuteronomy 32:1-52 Haazinu (32:1-52) – (Listen): Haftorah: II Samuel 22:1-51 (Ashkenazi); II Samuel 22:1-51 (Sephardi) 32:1-9: The Song of Moses 32:28-31: The enemy’s foolish conceit 32:10-14: God’s kindness to Israel 32:32-34: Source of Israel’s suffering…

Parsha Devarim

This week’s parsha is Devarim: Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22 Devarim (1:1-3:22) – (Words): Haftorah: Isaiah 1:1-27 (Ashkenazi); Isaiah 1:1-27 (Sephardi) 1:1-12: Veiled rebuke 2:17-30: God commands Israel to march toward the Land 1:13-18: The appointment of judges 2:31-37: The first conquest Sihon…

Parshat Devarim

This week’s parsha is Devarim (Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22) Torah Pearls: Devarim Parsha Devarim (Union for Reform Judaism) Parsha Devarim (United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism) Parsha Devarim (Orthodox Union) Devarim: Moses reviews history