Tag Nazirite

Parsha Naso – 5777

Moses establishes the Tabernacle

Parshat Naso In-Depth “The priest shall write these oaths in a scroll, and he shall blot them out with the bitter water (5:23) Great is peace! To make peace between husband and wife, the Torah instructs that the name of…

Parsha Naso

This week’s parsha is Naso: Numbers 4:21-7:89 Naso (4:21-7:89) – (Lift Up): Haftorah: Judges 13:2-25 (Ashkenazi); Judges 13:2-25 (Sephardi) 4:21-28: The Gershonites responsibilities 5:23-31: The scroll 4:29-37: The Merarites’ responsibilities 6:1-8: The Nazirite 4:38-49: The totals 6:9-12: Sudden contamination 5:1-4:…