Tag Red Heifer

Parsha Chukat – 5777

Moses strikes the rock

Parshat Chukat In-Depth “In everything that G‑d taught Moses, He would tell him both the manner of contamination and the manner of purification. When G‑d came to the laws concerning one who comes in contact with a dead body, Moses…

Parsha Chukat

This week’s parsha is Chukat: Numbers 19:1-22:1 Chukat (19:1-22:1) – (Decree): Haftorah: Judges 11:1-33 (Ashkenazi); Judges 11:1-33 (Sephardi) 19:1-22: The Red Cow 20:27-29: Aaron’s death and Elazar’s ascension 20:1-3: Miriam’s death and the lack of water 21:1-4: Amalek attacks 20:4-5:…