Tag Tanach

Dear Christians (and Jews)…

Dear Christians… Please listen to what I say and don’t take this personally. I believe that most of you are sincere about your beliefs and really believe that you must spread the “good news” so others will not be eternally…

Tanakh Manuscripts

Khirbet Qumrān

Image: Khirbet Qumran [Wikipedia] Dead Sea Scrolls The Dead Sea scrolls consist of roughly 900 documents, including texts from the Tanakh, discovered between 1947 and 1956 in eleven caves in and around the Wadi Qumran near the ruins of the…

Parsha Bereishit – 5777

Adam and Eve - Genesis Chapter 2

Aliya-by-Aliya Parashat B’reishit “One traditional view holds that the first day of Tishrei of year number 1 was Day Six of Creation, the day that mammals, including humans, were created. The day that Adam and Chava were placed in Gan…