Tag Tzav

Parsha Tzav – 5777

Making Aaron's garments - Exodus Chapter 28

Parshat Tzav In-Depth “The expression tzav (“command”) implies an urging for now and for future generations. (Torat Kohanim; Rashi) The king Moshiach will arise and restore the kingdom of David to its glory of old, to its original sovereignty. He…

Parsha Tzav

This week’s parsha is Tzav: Leviticus 6:1-8:36 6:1-4: The taking of the ash and the Altar fire 7:19-21: Eating in a state of contamination 6:5-6: The three Altar fires 7:22-27: Fat and blood 6:7-16: Meal offering, Sin offering 7:28-38: The…