This week’s parsha is Vayikra: Leviticus 1:1-5:26
1:1-9: General rules of offerings | 4:3-12: The bull of the anointed Kohen |
1:10-13: Burnt offerings from sheep and goats | 4:13-21: The bull |
1:14-17: Burnt offerings from fowl | 4:22-26: He-goat of a ruler |
2:1-3: Fine flour offering | 4:27-35: Sin offering of an individual |
2:4: Oven-baked offering | 5:1: The variable offering |
2:5-6: Pan-baked offering | 5:2-3: Contamination of the Sanctuary and its sanctities |
2:7-12: Deep-pan offering | 5:4-13: A spoken oath |
2:13-16: Covenant of salt | 5:14-16: Guilt offering |
3:1-17: Peace offering | 5:17-24: Guilt offering in case of doubt |
4:1-2: Sin offering | 5:25-26: Guilt offering for thefts |
D’var Torah: Coming Closer to God
Torah Pearls: Parsha Vayikra
This week’s Haftarah is: Ezekiel 45:16-46:18
Chapter 45: The laws governing the consecration of the Temple, and the keeping of the feasts during the third Temple era are revealed to Ezekiel.
Chapter 46: Ezekiel is told that the inner court gate that faces east will remain shut during the six working days. Only on Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh (New Moon) and when the Mosiach offers freewill-offerings will this gate be opened. The re-establishment of the daily offerings and the laws of inheritance for the Moshiach are revealed to Ezekiel in this vision.