This week’s parsha is Tzav: Leviticus 6:1-8:36
6:1-4: The taking of the ash and the Altar fire | 7:19-21: Eating in a state of contamination |
6:5-6: The three Altar fires | 7:22-27: Fat and blood |
6:7-16: Meal offering, Sin offering | 7:28-38: The parts and their order |
6:17-19: Koshering | 8:1-5: Consecration of the Kohanim |
6:20-7:7: Guilt-offering | 8:6-13: Aaron’s immersion, investiture and anointment |
7:8-10: Miscellaneous gifts to the Kohen | 8:14-21: The sin offering bull |
7:11-16: Thanksgiving offering | 8:22-30: The inauguration ram |
7:17-18: Piggul/Rejected | 8:31-36: Seven days of inauguration |
D’var Torah: Unlikely Holiness: Pancakes, Trash, and the Priest’s Big Toe
Torah Pearls: Parsha Tzav
This week’s Haftarah is: Malachi 3:4-24
The Coming Angel (Chapter 3:1-6)
Chapter 3: Hashem declares that the angel of the End Times will come to clear the way for Hashem to return to His Temple. Along with this angel, Elijah will also arrive to announce the coming of the Moshiach. Hashem declares that on this day, Hashem will destroy the wicked and the people’s deeds will be carefully examined. The priests will be refined and their offerings will once again be accepted by Hashem. Hashem however warns that those who do not fear Him and who perform wicked deeds will be judged by Hashem for their deeds.
Plea for Return (Chapter 3:7-18)
Chapter 3: Hashem pleads for the people to return to Him and His statutes. If the people would only return to Him He would return to them. The people question why they need to repent. Hashem declared that by the people only bringing the priestly tithes and not the tithes for the Levites, they were in fact stealing from Hashem himself. If the people would only bring the proper tithes to the priests and Levites Hashem would rain down blessings upon the people and the Land. The Israelites declared that it is pointless to follow Hashem and serve Him. As a result they began to praise the evil ones who turned on Hashem and refused to serve Him. The truly God-fearing people heard these words and gathered to discuss the speech of these evildoers. They determined that Hashem is just and faithful. Hashem declares that He will remember these faithful people on the Day of Judgment.
The Day of the Lord (Chapter 3:19-24)
Chapter 3: The day of Final Judgment will come declares Hashem. The wicked will be judged and the righteous will be healed. Malachi urges the people to continue to follow Torah. He pronounces that Elijah will come before the Day of the Lord. He will bring back the parents and the children who turned their backs upon Hashem and Torah.