This week’s parsha is Shemini: Leviticus 9:1-11:47
Shemini (9:1-11:47) – (Eighth): Haftorah: II Samuel 6:1-7:17 (Ashkenazi); II Samuel 6:1-19 (Sephardi) |
9:1-21: The Priestly service begins | 11:13-19: The forbidden birds |
9:22-24: Aaron’s blessing and the Divine Presence | 11:20-25: Forbidden and permissible insects |
10:1-7: The death of Nadab and Abihu | 11:26-28: The non-kosher creatures that transmit contamination |
10:8-11: The commandments to Aaron against intoxicants | 11:29-31: The small creeping animals |
10:12-15: Disposition of the day’s offerings | 11:32-38: Objects receiving contamination |
10:16-20: The dispute between Moses and Aaron | 11:39-40: Contamination of kosher animals |
11:1-8: Laws of Kashurut: Land animals | 11:41-43: Prohibition of eating creeping creatures |
11:9-12: Fish | 11:44-47: Sanctity through kashurt |
D’var Torah: A Diet of Holiness
Torah Pearls: Parsha Shemini
This week’s Haftarah is: II Samuel 6:1-7:17
Chapter 6: David and the people moved the Ark of the Covenant from Ba’ale-yehuda and the house of Avinadav with great fanfare and rejoicing. When the procession came to Goren-nachon, Uzza touched the Ark of the Covenant to steady it and God killed him. David became saddened about Uzza’s death and called the place Peretz-uzza. David became afraid of God and did not want to move the Ark of the Covenant any further. David kept the Ark of the Covenant in the house of Oved-edom the Gittite for three months. God blessed Oved-edom and all his household. David and the people moved that Ark of the Covenant from Oved-edom’s home to the tent that David had pitched in Yerushalayim with great celebration. David offered sacrifices to God after the Ark of the Covenant was placed in the tent. David distributed to all the people, to each individual, a loaf of bread, and a portion of meat, and a barrel of wine. And all the people departed to his home. When David returned to his household to bless it, Michal confronted him and chastised him for dancing and merrymaking. David chastised her stating that he was making merry for the honor of God. Michal was not blessed and had no children.
Chapter 7: David made known his wish to build a house for the Ark of the Covenant. God came to Nathan that night and told him to tell David that it will be David’s seed who will build the House of God. Nathan is also to tell David that the kingdom will remain forever with his seed.