Parsha Tazria-Metzora

Circumcision - Leviticus Chapter 12
Circumcision – Leviticus Chapter 12

This week’s parsha is Tazria-Metzora: Leviticus 12:1-15:33

Tazria (12:1-13:59) – (She Conceives):
Haftorah: II Kings 4:42-5:19 (Ashkenazi); II Kings 4:42-5:19 (Sephardi)
12:1-2: Human contamination 13:24-28: Burns
12:3-8: Childbirth and purification 13:29-39: Tzaraas of the head or face
13:1-3: The basic tzaras and the procedure for verification 13:40-44: Baldness at the front and back of the head
13:4-7: Baheres 13:45-46: The metzora’s isolation
13:8-17: S’eis 13:47-59: Afflictions of garments
13:18-23: Inflammations


Metzora (14:1-15:33) – (One Being Diseased):
Haftorah: II Kings 7:3-20 (Ashkenazi); II Kings 7:3-20 (Sephardi)
14:1-3: The first stage of the metzora’s purification 14:33-48: Tzaraas on houses
14:4-8: From arrogance to humility 14:49-57: Purification of the house
14:9: The second stage: Shaving 15:1-18: Zav and baal keri/male discharges
14:10-20: The final stage of purification: Offerings 15:19-30: Niddah and zavah/female discharges
14:21-32: The offering of the poor metzora 15:31-33: Separation from contamination

D’var Torah: What Happens in the Body Stays in the Body

Torah Pearls: Parsha TazriaParsha Metzora

This week’s Haftarah is: II Kings 7:3-20

Chapter 7: There were four men afflicted with zaraath at the gate of Shomeron. They decided to go to the Aramean camp and defect as an attempt to survive due to the famine. When they reached the edge of the camp, they discovered it had been deserted. God caused the Aramean army to hear chariots and believe the king of Israel was attacking them. They left behind all their property and fled. The four men ate and collected the gold and silver from the camp. They decided it was not right to keep this to themselves so they reported their finds to the guard at the gate of Shomeron. The guard then carried the message to the king of Israel. The king sent out two riders to scout the camp and ensure the king that the Aramean army was not laying in wait for them. The riders came back with the news of the abandoned camp. Thereupon the people of Shomeron went and plundered the camp.