Parsha Achrei Mot-Kedoshim

Goat to Azazel - Leviticus Chapter 16
Goat to Azazel – Leviticus Chapter 16

This week’s parsha is Tazria-Metzora: Leviticus 16:1-20:27

Acharei (16:1-18:30) – (After The Death):
Haftorah: Amos 9:7-15 (Ashkenazi); Ezekiel 22:1-16 (Sephardi)
16:1-5: The death of Aaron’s sons and the Yom Kippur service 17:10-12: Prohibition against eating blood
16:6-11: The lots 17:13-16: Covering blood
16:12-19: The incense service 18:1-5: Forbidden practices and traditions
16:20-22: The he-goat to Azazel 18:6-20: Forbidden relationships
16:23: Removal of the shovel and ladle 18:21: Molech
16:24-28: Conclusion of the service 18:22-23: Sodomy and bestiality
16:29-34: The eternal commandment of Yom Kippur 18:24-30: The holiness of the land
17:1-9: Service outside the Tabernacle


Kedoshim (19:1-20:27) – (Holy Ones):
Haftorah: Ezekiel 22:1-16 (Ashkenazi); Ezekiel 20:2-20 (Sephardi)
19:1-4: Holiness 19:23-34: Fruit trees
19:5-8: Piggul/Rejected offerings 19:35-37: Weights and measures
19:9-10: Gifts to the poor 20:1-2: Punishments
19:11-15: Honest dealings with others 20:3-9: Molech
19:16-18: Love your fellow 20:10-21: Penalties for forbidden relationships
19:19: Kil’ayim/Forbidden mixtures 20:22-24: The land and immortality
19:20-22: Shifchah charufah/Designated maidservant 20:25-27: Holiness and kashrus

D’var Torah: Being Holy and Staying Alive

Torah Pearls: Parsha Achrei MotParsha Kedoshim

This week’s Haftarah is: Amos 9:7-15

Chapter 9:

God will not completely destroy the people of Israel but will leave a remnant. God declares that there will be a future redemption where all the people of Israel will once again return to the Land.