This week’s parsha is Emor: Leviticus 21:1-24:23
Emor (21:1-24:23) – (Speak): Haftorah: Ezekiel 44:15-31 (Ashkenazi); Ezekiel 44:15-31 (Sephardi) |
21:1-9: Laws of a Kohen | 23:9-14: The Omer |
21:10-15: Laws of the Kohen Gadol | 23:15-22: The Omer count and Shavuot |
21:16-24: Disqualifying blemishes | 23:23-25: Rosh Hashanah |
22:1-9: Safeguarding the sanctity of offerings and terumah | 23:26-32: Yom Kippur |
22:10-16: Terumah | 23:33-44: Succot and Shemini Atzeret |
22:17-30: Blemished animals | 24:1-4: The Menorah |
22:31-33: Desecration and sanctification of God’s Name | 24:5-9: Showbread |
23:1-3: Festivals | 24:10-23: The blasphemer |
23:4-8: Pesach |
D’var Torah: Emor: Words for the Next Generation
Torah Pearls: Parsha Emor
This week’s Haftarah is: Ezekiel 44:15-31
Chapter 44: The Levites who were the sons of Zadok did not stray into idolatry. As a result they will be rewarded with being the only portion of the Levites who will be permitted to serve as priests in the Temple.