This week’s parsha is Behar-Bechukotai: Leviticus 25:1-27:34
Behar (25:1-26:2) – (On The Mount): Haftorah: Jeremiah 32:6-27 (Ashkenazi); Jeremiah 32:6-22 (Sephardi) |
25:1-7: Shemittah/Sabbatical Year | 25:35-38: Preventing poverty |
25:8-13: Yovel/Jubilee Year | 25:39-46: A Jew’s Jewish “slave” |
25:14-22: Sequence of the passages | 25:47-55: Jewish slave of an idolater |
25:23-31: Redemption of land | 26:1-2: Command against making idols |
25:32-34: Levite cities |
Bechukotai (26:3-27:34) – (By My Decrees): Haftorah: Jeremiah 16:19-17:14 (Ashkenazi); Jeremiah 16:19-17:14 (Sephardi) |
26:3-13: Miracles of blessing and curse | 26:43-46: The conclusion of the Admonition |
26:14-15: The Tochachah/Admonition | 27:1-8: Gifts to the Temple Valuations |
26:16-17: The first series of punishments | 27:9-15: Sanctification and redemption of animals |
26:18-20: The second series of punishments | 27:16-27: Redemption of houses and fields |
26:21-22: The third series of punishments | 27:28-29: Cherem/Segregated property |
26:23-26: The fourth series of punishments | 27:30-31: The second title |
26:27-42: The fifth series of punishments | 27:32-34: The tithe of animals |
D’var Torah: In Which the People and the Land Are Redeemed
Torah Pearls: Parsha Behar – Parsha Bechukotai
This week’s Haftarah is: Jeremiah 16:19-17:14
Chapter 16: When the people ask why this evil will befall them, Jeremiah is to tell them that they are being punished for the idolatry and the refusal to follow God and Torah.
Chapter 17: Those who continue in their wickedness will be cursed and those who return to God will be blessed.