This week’s parsha is Naso: Numbers 4:21-7:89
Naso (4:21-7:89) – (Lift Up): Haftorah: Judges 13:2-25 (Ashkenazi); Judges 13:2-25 (Sephardi) |
4:21-28: The Gershonites responsibilities | 5:23-31: The scroll |
4:29-37: The Merarites’ responsibilities | 6:1-8: The Nazirite |
4:38-49: The totals | 6:9-12: Sudden contamination |
5:1-4: Purification of the camp | 6:13-21: Completion of the term |
5:5-10: Theft from a Jew and from a proselyte | 6:22-27: The Priestly Blessings |
5:11-14: Sotah/the wayward wife | 7:1-83: The offerings of the tribal leaders |
5:15: The meal offering of jealousies | 7:84-88: The total |
5:16-18: Confession | 7:89: Moses enters the Tabernacle |
5:19-22: The oath |
D’var Torah: The Spirituality of Eye Contact
Torah Pearls: Parsha Naso
This week’s Haftarah is: Judges 13:2-25
An angel came to the wife of Manoah and told her that she would conceive and bare a son. No razor was to touch his head for he was to be a Nazirite from birth and it was he who would deliver Israel from the Philistines. Manoah pleaded for the angel to return to teach him and his wife what to do with their son upon his birth. The angel appeared and taught them. Manoah and his wife offered sacrifice unto God. Manoah’s wife gave birth to a son whom named him Samson.