This week’s parsha is Beha’alotekha: Numbers 8:1-12:16
Beha’alotcha (8:1-12:16) – (When You Set Up): Haftorah: Zechariah 2:14-4:7 (Ashkenazi); Zechariah 2:14-4:7 (Sephardi) |
8:1-4: The Menorah | 10:35-36: The Ark goes forth |
8:5-22: Consecration of the Levites | 11:1-3: The complainers |
8:23-26: Apprenticeship and responsibility | 11:4-10: Dissatisfaction with the manna |
9:1-5: The Pesach offering in the Wilderness | 11:11-15: Moses’ despair |
9:6-14: Pesach sheni/The second Pesach offering | 11:16-17: The Sanhedrin |
9:15-23: Divine signs of the Israelites’ travels | 11:18-23: God responds to the people |
10:1-9: The Trumpets | 11:24-29: New prophets |
10:10-28: The order of breaking camp | 11:30-35: The quail |
10:29-32: Moses invites Jethro to join the nation | 12:1-13: Moses’ uniqueness is challenged and affirmed |
10:33-34: The first journey | 12:14-16: Miriam is quarantined |
D’var Torah: Sacred Leadership
Torah Pearls: Parsha Beha’alotekha
This week’s Haftarah is: Zechariah 2:14-4:7
God declares that He will be among His people and many Nations will come and attach themselves to God. Jerusalem and Judea will once again be God’s hereditary portion of the Holy Land.
Chapter 3: Zechariah’s fourth vision is of the Satan accusing the Kohen Gadol Joshua. Joshua stands before Hashem’s angel with the Satan standing to his right to accuse him. God declares that He will denounce the Satan for accusing Joshua since he is one who was rescued from the exile. The angel commanded that Joshua’s filthy clothes and headdress be removed and replaced with clean ones – thus symbolizing the removal of his sins. Joshua was told that if he kept the mitzvot and walked in the ways of God that he would be redeemed and earn a place in Olam Haba (the World to Come).
Chapter 4: The fifth vision of Zechariah is of the menorah, the Temple, and the olive trees. Zechariah was shown the menorah. The angel told Zechariah that this is a sign that only by the will of God – and not through his own might – will Zerubbabel begin the rebuilding of the Temple.