This week’s parsha is Korach: Numbers 16:1-18:32
Korach (16:1-18:32) – (Korach): Haftorah: I Samuel 11:14-12:22 (Ashkenazi); I Samuel 11:14-12:22 (Sephardi) |
16:1-11: Rebellion in the Wilderness | 17:15-26: A new proof of Aaron’s greatness |
16:12-19: Moses summons Dathan and Abiram | 17:27-28: The fears remain |
16:20-30: God responds | 18:1-7: Aaron’s duty reiterated |
16:31-35: God creates a phenomenon | 18:8-20: Gifts to the Kohanim |
17:1-8: Protest and confirmation | 18:21-32: Tithes to the Levites |
17:9-14: Moses intervenes again |
D’var Torah: The Way We Were
Torah Pearls: Parsha Korach
This week’s Haftarah is: I Samuel 11:14-12:22
Chapter 11: Samuel led Saul to Gilgal where Saul was formally crowned king.
Chapter 12: Samuel announced Saul’s kingship to the Israelites. Samuel asked the people to be a witness before God for Samuel that he did not wrong to them. Samuel then orates about the greatness and righteousness of the Israelites’ forefathers who were made great by God.