This week’s parsha is Chukat: Numbers 19:1-22:1
Chukat (19:1-22:1) – (Decree): Haftorah: Judges 11:1-33 (Ashkenazi); Judges 11:1-33 (Sephardi) |
19:1-22: The Red Cow | 20:27-29: Aaron’s death and Elazar’s ascension |
20:1-3: Miriam’s death and the lack of water | 21:1-4: Amalek attacks |
20:4-5: The people protest | 21:5-13: A new challenge |
20:6-8: God commands Moses to bring water | 21:14-20: The song in the Book of the Wars of God |
20:9-13: Moses and Aaron err and are punished | 21:21-32: The battle with Sihon |
20:14-21: Asking permission for travel from Edom | 21:33-35: Og does battle |
20:22-26: Arrival at Mount Hor |
D’var Torah: Holy Cow
Torah Pearls: Parsha Chukat
This week’s Haftarah is: Judges 11:1-33
Chapter 11: The Ammonites went to war against Israel. At this time, Jephthah – one of Gilead’s sons – was asked by the elders of Gilead (the ones who forced him to flee to Tob) to lead them in battle against the Ammonites. Jephthah attempted a peace agreement with the Ammonites who refused any such agreement.
Jephthath made an agreement with God that if God would deliver the Ammonites into his hand, the first thing that comes out of Jephthah’s house would be delivered unto God as a sacrifice. God agrees and gives the Ammonites to Jephthah.