This week’s parsha is Pinchas: Numbers 25:10-30:1
Pinchas (25:10-30:1) – (Phineas): Haftorah: I Kings 18:46-19:21 (Ashkenazi); I Kings 18:46-19:21 (Sephardi) |
25:10-15: Phinehas’ zealotry | 28:9: The mussaf offerings |
25:16-18: A new attitude toward Midian | 28:10: Sabbath |
26:1-50: The new census | 28:11-15: Rosh Chodesh |
26:51-56: The census total | 28:16-25: Pesach |
26:57-65: The count of the Levites | 28:26-31: Shavuot |
27:1-5: The grievance of Zelophehad’s daughters | 29:1-6: Rosh Hashanah |
27:6-11: Laws of inheritance | 29:7-11: Yom Kippur |
27:12-14: God shows Moses the Land | 29:12-34: Succot |
27:15-23: Moses asks for a successor | 29:35-30:1 Shemini Atzeret |
28:1-8: The Tamid |
D’var Torah: Five Women Whose Names We Should All Remember
Torah Pearls: Parsha Pinchas
This week’s Haftarah is: I Kings 18:46-19:21 (Ashkenazi); I Kings 18:46-19:21 (Sephardi)
Chapter 18: Eliyahu was given strength by God and he ran ahead of Ah’av until he arrived at Yizre’el.
Chapter 19: Ah’av told Izevel that Eliyahu slew the priest of Ba’al. Upon hearing this, Izevel sent a threatening message to Eliyahu. Upon hearing this message, Eliyahu ran to Be’er-sheva. Eliyahu arrived in the desert where an angel was sent to feed and provide water to Eliyahu. This food and water was enough to sustain for Eliyahu on Har Horev for 40 days and 40 nights. Eliyahu despaired in the cave believing that he alone was left to follow in the ways of God. God told Eliyahu to go to Damascus where he is to anoint Haza’el king over Aram. Eliyahu is also told to anoint Yehu as king over Israel and Elisha is to replace Eliyahu as prophet. Eliyahu went and found Elisha who followed Eliyahu and learned from him.