This week’s parsha is Va’etchanan: Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11
Va’etchanan (3:23-7:11) – (And I Pleaded): Haftorah: Isaiah 40:1-26 (Ashkenazi); Isaiah 40:1-26 (Sephardi) |
3:23-25: Moses prays again | 5:1-18: The Ten Statements |
3:26-29: Exile and return | 5:19-26: Fire, cloud, thick smoke |
4:1-11: Decrees and ordinances | 5:27-6:3: God teaches all commandments, decrees, and ordinances |
4:12-20: From the midst of the fire | 6:4-9: The Shema |
4:21-24: Moses would not enter the Land | 6:10-12: Not succumbing to prosperity |
4:25-30: Exile and return | 6:13-19: Further trust in God |
4:31-35: He will not abandon you | 6:20-25: Teaching the tradition to children |
4:36-40: You heard His voice | 7:1-11: God will clear the way to settle in the Land |
4:41-49: Setting aside the cities of refuge |
D’var Torah: Torah: Rules or Wisdom?
Torah Pearls: Parsha Va’etchanan
This week’s Haftarah is: Isaiah 40:1-26 (Ashkenazi); Isaiah 40:1-26 (Sephardi)
Chapter 40: Isaiah returns to his future prophecies and consoles the people. The people have been treated as if they have been doubly punished for their sins but a straight path will be made for the return of the people from exile. The glory of God will be revealed and His word lasts forever. The prophets of Zion will shout and God will mete out retribution on the idolaters and enemies of Israel. Like a shepherd, God will lovingly bring his flock – his people – back to the Land and back to Him.