This week’s parsha is Eikev: Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25
Eikev (7:12-11:25) – (Because): Haftorah: Isaiah 49:14-51:3 (Ashkenazi); Isaiah 49:14-51:3 (Sephardi) |
7:12-17: The reward | 10:1-5: A temporary Ark and the second Tablets |
7:18-26: The assurance | 10:6-7: Aaron’s death |
8:1-10: The lesson of food | 10:8-11: Elevation of the Levites |
8:11-20: A warning against the lure of prosperity | 10:12-22: God’s reconciliation |
9:1-6: Remembering the Exodus and tribulations in the Wilderness | 11:1-8: Firsthand knowledge of God’s miracles |
9:7-12: Receiving the Tablets | 11:9-12: The great virtues of the Land |
9:13-21: A stiff-necked people | 11:13-21: The second portion of the Shema |
9:22-29: Repeated rebelliousness | 11:22-25: The promise if one observes the commandments |
D’var Torah: Getting What We Deserve
Torah Pearls: Parsha Eikev
This week’s Haftarah is: Isaiah 49:14-51:3 (Ashkenazi); Isaiah 49:14-51:3 (Sephardi)
Eikev Haftarah Halfhour with Rabbi Joshua Neely (Week 46)
Chapter 49: Isaiah tells of how he was chosen by God to be a prophet while he was still in the womb. Isaiah willingly became a prophet and attempted to bring Israel back to God. God, through Isaiah, promises redemption to the exiled of Israel and to bring them back to the Land.
Chapter 50: Isaiah continues to tell Israel that even though it seems that God has left them, He still calls them His chosen and will eventually redeem them. Isaiah recalls how he willingly prophesied and was taunted and abused by Israel. However, Isaiah confirms his belief that God will ultimately redeem him. Isaiah calls upon the righteous to place their faith in God for even in times of trouble God will save them. Isaiah tells the wicked that if they refuse to repent and return to God, they will be punished.
Chapter 51: Isaiah calls upon the righteous to return to God and Torah.