This week’s parsha is Re’eh: Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17
Re’eh (11:26-16:17) – (See): Haftorah: Isaiah 54:11-55:5 (Ashkenazi); Isaiah 54:11-55:5 (Sephardi) |
11:26-32: Blessing and curse | 14:1-2: A treasured people |
12:1-7: Sanctity of the Land | 14:3-21: Permitted and forbidden food |
12:8-14: Private altars | 14:22-29: The second tithe |
12:15-16: Permission to eat redeemed offerings | 15:1-6: Remission of loans |
12:17-19: Sacred foods consumed only in Jerusalem | 15:7-11: To be warmhearted and openhanded to our brethren |
12:20-25: Permission to eat unconsecrated meat | 15:12-18: A Jewish bondsman |
12:26-28: General principles of observance | 15:19-23: Firstborn bull shall be sanctified to G-d |
12:29-31: The prohibition against copying the Canaanites | 16:1-8: Pesach |
13:1-6: A false prophet | 16:9-12: Shavuot |
13:7-12: One who entices others to go astray | 16:13-15: Succot |
13:13-19: The wayward city | 16:16-17: To come to Jerusalem with offerings |
D’var Torah: Looking on the Bright Side
Torah Pearls: Parsha Re’eh
This week’s Haftarah is: Isaiah 66:1-24 (Rosh Chodesh)
Chapter 66: There will be a time when God will cause the Children of Israel to be exalted among the Nations. Israel will be redeemed and the Temple will be rebuilt. The Nations will marvel at the redemption of Israel.