Responding to False Accusations Against Judaism: Jews Hate Jesus (Part 5/7)

Accusation: There is no curse word amongst the Jews stronger than the name Yeshua. There is an extreme hatred for him, with many not even realizing who he was historically. Most Jews are taught that he’s just a figment of the Catholic imagination that has brough a lot of persecution to the Jews and he has been the source of anti-Semitism. They don’t even realize he himself was Jewish and that he taught the Scriptures in Jerusalem. They don’t realize that his own disciples were Jewish and believers in the Torah and Tanakh.

Response: Jesus means nothing in the Jewish community. Some don’t believe he ever existed. Some believe he was a real person but this real person is covered up by the falsehood of the Chistian texts. Some believe he was even a mensch. He is however not considered the Messiah or part of a triune godhead.

While it is true that anti-Semitism in the Christian world began with the early Catholic church it did not stop there. Protestants have been known to be extremely anti-Semitic as well, In fact, the founder of Protestantism, Martin Luther, was extremely anti-Semitic. In the modern world, most anti-Semitism comes from the Protestant world and not the Catholic world.

Most Jews never even think about Jesus because he doesn’t mean anything in the Jewish world. Yes, if he existed, he was a Jewish man – but that is it. Full stop. We are not taught the he is a figment of the Catholic imagination or anything similar to that falsehood.

If individuals believe the mythology of the Christian text, they will see that he in fact taught against Torah on many occasions. His disciples, if they even existed, also taught against Torah. Therefore, these people are rightly ignored.