Is “Messianic Judaism” a part of Judaism or is it Christianity is disguise?

What is Messianic Judaism

There is a misnomer that has become popular over the last 50+ years that one can “believe in Jesus” and remain a Jew. This is what has become known as “Messianic Judaism.”

“Messianic Judaism” is a modern invention of Protestant Christianity. It intermingles a bastardized version of Judaism and Christianity.

This movement began as the Hebrew Christian Movement in the 1960s and 1970s. It later spun off into the most-widely known “Messianic Jewish” group called “Jews for Jesus.”

This Christian missionizing group was founded in 1973 by Martin Rosen – an ordained Baptist pastor. It is reported that he was nominally raised as a Jew but had essentially rejected religion at a young age.

According to the laws of Israel, “Messianic Jews” are not eligible to immigrate under the Law of Return. Members of this movement are recognized as Christians and not Jews.

Beliefs: Scripture

If one compares the beliefs of fundamentalist Christianity (especially the Southern Baptist Convention), one notices that there is no difference between much of Protestant Christianity and “Messianic Judaism.”

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) believes that both the “Old Testament” and “New Testament” were written by men as the revelation of God. The scripture is considered perfect and its primary purpose it to lead to salvation through belief in Jesus.

Scripture, for the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA), encompasses both the “Old Testament” and “New Testament” as the revelation of God and the infallible word of God. They are the final authority of faith and practice.

The Union for Messianic Jewish Congregations (UMJC) also states that the “Old Testament” and “New Testament” are infallible revelations from God. They are the final authority of faith and practice. The New Testament also provides insight into the teachings and salvation of Jesus.

According to “Jews for Jesus” the scriptures also contain the “Old Testament” and the “New Testament”. These texts are divinely inspired and inerrant and as such are the final authority when it comes to faith and life.

As we can plainly see, “Messianic Judaism” believes in the Old and New Testaments. This alone places this movement firmly within the Christian camp. They also believe that Jesus is the prophesied messiah and man can only earn salvation through him according to their scriptures.

Beliefs: God

The SBC believes in the “trinity” – three separate beings making up a unified godhead. They will declare that they believe in only one God who is made up of the “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” This God is the creator of the heavens and the earth.

The MJAA also declares that God is the creator of everything. They also state that they believe in a “trinity” that consists of three persons – “God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.”

For the UMJC, God is also a “trinity.” This godhead consists of three persons that make up a divine unity – “God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.” God is also declared to be the creator of the heavens and the earth.

“Jews for Jesus” believe in a “trinity” – that is, three persons in one godhead. They believe that “God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit” make up one god. God is considered the source of all creation.

“Messianic Judaism,” just like trinitarian Christianity, believes in the  Christian “trinity” that is said to be a unified godhead and thus “one” God. This belief in three gods (regardless of them saying it is “one” God) places this movement firmly within the Christian camp.

Beliefs: Fall of Man

Male and female were made in the “image of God” according to the SBC. This creation was made perfect but man, by his free will, sinned through the temptation of “Satan.” This transgression led to the fall of man whereby all of mankind has inherited a sinful nature. They also state that “as they are capable of moral action, they become transgressors and are under condemnation.”

The MJAA also believes that male and female were created in the “image of God.” This perfect creation however was tempted and committed a sinful act. This ultimately led to the fall of man. Accordingly, all mankind is born with a sinful nature.

Confirming this same belief, the UMJC says that male and female were made “in God’s image” and were created in perfection. Through disobedience however, man fell and mankind is now under a curse of violence and disorder.

According to “Jews for Jesus,” mankind is born sinners. Due to the disobedience of Adam and Eve, all of mankind is separate from God and experience physical and spiritual death.

It is clear that “Messianic Judaism” believes in the “fall of man” which has led to a sinful nature that was passed onto all of mankind. The belief in “original sin” and the predestination of mankind as sinners means that this movement is firmly within the Christian camp.

Beliefs: Salvation

According to the SBC, man may only receive salvation by entering into a personal relationship with Jesus. This requires a belief in Jesus as “Lord and Savior” and the concept that Jesus’s blood is the only thing that leads to eternal redemption. This will then lead to “being born again.”

Salvation, according to the MJAA, can only be obtained through the blood atonement of Jesus. This will lead to a new birth (“being born again”) through the “Holy Spirit”.

The UMJC confirms that salvation is only available through the belief in the sacrifice of Jesus which atones for all sins. Once one accepts this salvation, one is “born again” through immersion and a “remembrance meal” (aka communion).

“Jews for Jesus” affirms that salvation is only through the “atoning blood” of Jesus. They state that there is no other way into heaven except by belief and acceptance of Jesus as your personal savior.

It is easy to see that “Messianic Judaism” believes in a salvation that must include a dying and rising man-god just like Christianity. The belief in Jesus as being the only salvation for sins places this movement firmly within the Christian camp.

Beliefs: Messiah

The messiah according to the SBC is Jesus himself who was sent to earth as fully man and fully divine to bring redemption from sins through his crucifixion. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of “God the Father” where waits until his “second coming.”

The MJAA also states that Jesus is the messiah who was sent to earth as both man and divine. His first coming was to bring redemption to the world. His second coming will bring the kingdom of heaven to earth and the final redemption will occur.

The UMJC also confirms that Jesus was both human and divine and came to earth as the messiah. He “fulfilled the Torah” and eventually died to atone for the sins of mankind. He ascended into heaven to sit on the right hand of “God the Father” where he awaits the time for his second coming.

The messiah, according to “Jews for Judaism” is Jesus. It is he who died for our sins as prophesied by the scriptures. He was sent to be a “representative and substitutionary sacrifice.”

The promised messiah according to “Messianic Judaism” was a dying and rising man-god named Jesus, just like Christianity. The belief in Jesus as being both human and divine and the belief in a “second coming” means that this movement is firmly within the Christian camp.


From just these few examples, it is abundantly clear that “Messianic Judaism” is simply Christianity in disguise.

There is no fundamental difference between “Messianic Judaism” and fundamentalist Christianity.

Once a Jew begins to “believe in Jesus,” that person has abandoned God, Torah, and the Jewish Nation.

That person is no longer a Jew. That person has become a Christian.