Jen (Rachel-Esther)

Jen (Rachel-Esther)

Parsha Korach

This week’s parsha is Korach: Numbers 16:1-18:32 Korach (16:1-18:32) – (Korach): Haftorah: I Samuel 11:14-12:22 (Ashkenazi); I Samuel 11:14-12:22 (Sephardi) 16:1-11: Rebellion in the Wilderness 17:15-26: A new proof of Aaron’s greatness 16:12-19: Moses summons Dathan and Abiram 17:27-28: The…

Parsha Shelach

This week’s parsha is Shelach: Numbers 13:1-15:41 Shelach (13:1-15:41) – (Send): Haftorah: Joshua 2:1-24 (Ashkenazi); Joshua 2:1-24 (Sephardi) 13:1-15: The command to send spies to Eretz Yisrael 14:26-39: God spells out the decree 13:16-26: Moses prays for Joshua 14:40-45: A…

Parsha Beha’alotekha

This week’s parsha is Beha’alotekha: Numbers 8:1-12:16 Beha’alotcha (8:1-12:16) – (When You Set Up): Haftorah: Zechariah 2:14-4:7 (Ashkenazi); Zechariah 2:14-4:7 (Sephardi) 8:1-4: The Menorah 10:35-36: The Ark goes forth 8:5-22: Consecration of the Levites 11:1-3: The complainers 8:23-26: Apprenticeship and…

Parsha Naso

This week’s parsha is Naso: Numbers 4:21-7:89 Naso (4:21-7:89) – (Lift Up): Haftorah: Judges 13:2-25 (Ashkenazi); Judges 13:2-25 (Sephardi) 4:21-28: The Gershonites responsibilities 5:23-31: The scroll 4:29-37: The Merarites’ responsibilities 6:1-8: The Nazirite 4:38-49: The totals 6:9-12: Sudden contamination 5:1-4:…

Parsha Bamidbar

This week’s parsha is Bamidbar: Numbers 1:1-4:20 Bamidbar (1:1-4:20) – (In the Wilderness): Haftorah: Hosea 2:1-22 (Ashkenazi); Hosea 2:1-22 (Sephardi) 1:1-3: Census in the Wilderness 3:1-4: The progeny of Moses and Aaron 1:4-43: The tribal leaders 3:5-10: Appointment of the…

Chag HaShavuot

Chag HaShavuot is the second of the three annual chagim (Pilgrimage Festivals) in the Hebrew Calendar. In English Shavuot is known as the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost. The chag is known by various names. It is known as Chag…

Parsha Behar-Bechukotai

This week’s parsha is Behar-Bechukotai: Leviticus 25:1-27:34 Behar (25:1-26:2) – (On The Mount): Haftorah: Jeremiah 32:6-27 (Ashkenazi); Jeremiah 32:6-22 (Sephardi) 25:1-7: Shemittah/Sabbatical Year 25:35-38: Preventing poverty 25:8-13: Yovel/Jubilee Year 25:39-46: A Jew’s Jewish “slave” 25:14-22: Sequence of the passages 25:47-55:…

Parsha Emor

This week’s parsha is Emor: Leviticus 21:1-24:23 Emor (21:1-24:23) – (Speak): Haftorah: Ezekiel 44:15-31 (Ashkenazi); Ezekiel 44:15-31 (Sephardi) 21:1-9: Laws of a Kohen 23:9-14: The Omer 21:10-15: Laws of the Kohen Gadol 23:15-22: The Omer count and Shavuot 21:16-24: Disqualifying…

Parsha Achrei Mot-Kedoshim

This week’s parsha is Tazria-Metzora: Leviticus 16:1-20:27 Acharei (16:1-18:30) – (After The Death): Haftorah: Amos 9:7-15 (Ashkenazi); Ezekiel 22:1-16 (Sephardi) 16:1-5: The death of Aaron’s sons and the Yom Kippur service 17:10-12: Prohibition against eating blood 16:6-11: The lots 17:13-16:…