Parsha Bereishit
This week’s parsha is Bereishit: Genesis 1:1-6:8 D’var Torah: Words Not Spoken . . . Words Not Heard Torah Pearls: Parsha Bereishit This week’s Hatarah is: Isaiah 42:5-43:10
This week’s parsha is Bereishit: Genesis 1:1-6:8 D’var Torah: Words Not Spoken . . . Words Not Heard Torah Pearls: Parsha Bereishit This week’s Hatarah is: Isaiah 42:5-43:10
Bereishit יג (Genesis 13) 10 And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of the Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere, before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, like the garden of the LORD, like the…
Bereishit יב (Genesis 12) 10 And there was a famine in the land; and Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there; for the famine was sore in the land. According to tradition there was a famine in the land…
This week’s parsha is Ha’azinu (Deuteronomy 32:1-52) Torah Pearls: Ha’azinu Parsha Ha’azinu (Union for Reform Judaism) Parsha Ha’azinu (United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism) Parsha Ha’azinu (Orthodox Union) Parsha Ha’azinu (Jewish Reconstructionist Communities) Parshat Ha’azinu: Moses’s Last Song, Funkified
This week’s parsha is Nitzavim-Vayelekh (Deuteronomy 29:9-31:30) Torah Pearls: Nitzavim – Vayelekh Parsha Nitzavim – Vayelekh (Union for Reform Judaism) Parsha Nitzavim-Vayelekh (United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism) Parsha Nitzavim-Vayelekh (Orthodox Union) Parsha Nitzavim – Vayelekh (Jewish Reconstructionist Communities) Parshat Nitzavim:…
Shabbat 27. Instructor using lamplight in Shabbat; 28. A woman must bring a sin offering if she transports something in her apron on Shabbat; For six days, you are to serve, and are to make all your work [מְלָאכָה], but…
This week’s parsha is Ki Tavo (Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8) Torah Pearls: Ki Tavo Parsha Ki Tavo (Union for Reform Judaism) Parsha Ki Tavo (United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism) Parsha Ki Tavo (Orthodox Union) Parsha Ki Tavo (Jewish Reconstructionist Communities) Parshat Ki…
This week’s parsha is Ki Tetse (Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19) Torah Pearls: Ki Tetse Parsha Ki Tetse (Union for Reform Judaism) Parsha Ki Tetse (United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism) Parsha Ki Tetse (Orthodox Union) Parsha Ki Tetse (Jewish Reconstructionist Communities) Parshat Ki…
Cohabitation 22. Girls below the age of three years and one day retains her virginity despite cohabitation; Where in the Tanakh is there even any indication that “cohabitation” between an adult man and a child is even permitted? This is…
This week’s parsha is Shoftim (Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9) Torah Pearls: Shoftim Parsha Shoftim (Union for Reform Judaism) Parsha Shoftim (United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism) Parsha Shoftim (Orthodox Union) Parsha Shoftim (Jewish Reconstructionist Communities) Shoftim: What the Torah Says About Justice