Jen (Rachel-Esther)

Jen (Rachel-Esther)

Parsha Lech Lecha – 5777

caravan of Abram

Aliya-by-Aliya Parashat Lech Lecha ““Leave your land, birthplace, father’s house.” Ramban explains that each “point of departure” was progressively more difficult for Avraham. Leaving one’s land is difficult, even more so if he was born there. Leaving one’s family is…

Parsha Noach – 5777

Noah's ark

Aliya-by-Aliya Parashat Noach “The exile of Adam and Chava from Gan Eden, Kayin and Hevel, the continuous degeneration (PI) through successive generations until G-d’s “regret” for having created the world and His “decision” to destroy it.” Torah Sparks: Noach “The…

Parsha Bereishit – 5777

Adam and Eve - Genesis Chapter 2

Aliya-by-Aliya Parashat B’reishit “One traditional view holds that the first day of Tishrei of year number 1 was Day Six of Creation, the day that mammals, including humans, were created. The day that Adam and Chava were placed in Gan…

Pesach (5776 – 2016)

Pesach (Passover) is a Biblical festival that begins on 15 Nisan (in March or April). Pesach is a seven-day holiday that celebrates the Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt and our freedom from oppression in modern days. The holiday is…