Parsha Ki Tisa – 5777

Parshat Ki Tisa In-Depth “This they shall give . . . half a shekel (30:13) The mitzvah of the half-shekel is that each should contribute a coin that [is valued at] half of the dominant coin of that time. If…
Parshat Ki Tisa In-Depth “This they shall give . . . half a shekel (30:13) The mitzvah of the half-shekel is that each should contribute a coin that [is valued at] half of the dominant coin of that time. If…
Parshat Tetzaveh In-Depth “And you shall command . . . (27:20) Tetzaveh is the only Parshah in the Torah since Moses’ birth in which Moses’ name does not appear (with the exception of the book of Deuteronomy, which consists mostly…
Parshat Terumah In-Depth “Speak to the children of Israel, that they should take to Me a terumah (“uplifting”) (Exodus 25:2) Every created entity has a spark of G‑dliness within it, a pinpoint of divinity that constitutes its “soul,” its spiritual…
Parshat Mishpatim In-Depth “And these are the laws which you shall set before them (Exodus 21:1) The phrase “and these” (ve’eileh) implies that they are a continuation of what is written before. This is to teach us that just as…
Parshat Yitro In-Depth “Jethro, the priest of Midian, the father-in-law of Moses, heard of all that G‑d did for Moses and His people Israel, that G‑d had taken Israel out of Egypt (18:1) Of what did he hear that he…
Parshat Beshalach In-Depth “G‑d did not lead them through the way of the land of the Philistines (13:17) The tribe of Ephraim had erred and departed from Egypt 30 years before the destined time, with the result that three hundred…
Parshat Bo In-Depth “G‑d said to Moses: ‘Come in to Pharaoh’ (10:1) Rabbi Shimon [bar Yochai] continued: It is now fitting to reveal mysteries connected with that which is above and that which is below. Why is it written, ‘Come…
Parshat Vaeira In-Depth “G‑d spoke to Moses, and said to him: ‘I am G‑d. I revealed Myself to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob’ (6:2–3) G‑d said to Moses: I regret the loss of those who have passed away and…
Parshat Shemot In-Depth “And these are the names of the children of Israel who came into Egypt . . . Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah (Exodus 1:1–2) Although G‑d had already counted them in their lifetime, He again counted them…
Buddhism The founder of Buddhism was a royal prince born in 624 BCE in northern India – now a part of Nepal – who was given the name Siddhartha. He lived in the royal palace but when he was 29-years-old…