Tag Torah

Book Review: Riddle of the Exodus

Riddle of the Exodus Author: James D. Long Publisher: Lightcatcher Books Year: 2006 Pages: 160 plus Introduction and Appendcies Riddle of the Exodus explores the “startling parallels between ancient Jewish sources and the Egyptian archaeological record” regarding the exodus from…

Chag HaMatzot and the Omer

Chag HaMatzot is the first of the three annual chagim (Pilgrimage Festivals) in the Hebrew Calendar. In Rabbinical Judaism, Chag HaMatzot is called Pesach and in English this chag is known as Passover or Feast of Unleavened Bread. The very…

Jewish Apologetics

Jewish apologetics attempts to defend Jews, our religion, and our culture from critics. The history of Jewish apologetics reflects a complicated relationship between Jews and Gentiles throughout the millennia. Jewish apologetics formed as a response to the challenges of pagans…

Intermarriage and the HUC-JIR

A couple months ago rabbinical student Daniel Kirzane wrote a post related to his student senior sermon. His topic was a discussion about the current position of the HUC-JIR regarding applicants to its rabbinical school who are married to or…