Tag Torah

Parsha Balak

This week’s parsha is Balak: Numbers 22:2-25:9 Balak (22:2-25:9) – (Balak): Haftorah: Micah 5:6-6:8 (Ashkenazi); Micah 5:6-6:8 (Sephardi) 22:2-19: Balaam 23:11-17: Balak’s anger 22:20-22: God’s ambiguous permission 23:18-24: Balaam’s second blessing 22:23-27: God impedes Balaam’s path 23:25-30: Balak’s anger and…

Parsha Chukat

This week’s parsha is Chukat: Numbers 19:1-22:1 Chukat (19:1-22:1) – (Decree): Haftorah: Judges 11:1-33 (Ashkenazi); Judges 11:1-33 (Sephardi) 19:1-22: The Red Cow 20:27-29: Aaron’s death and Elazar’s ascension 20:1-3: Miriam’s death and the lack of water 21:1-4: Amalek attacks 20:4-5:…

The Mitzvah of Tzitzit and Women

Speak to the Israelite people and instruct them to make for themselves tzitzit on the corners of their garments throughout the ages; let them attach a cord of blue to the fringe of each corner. (Numbers 15:38)1 You shall make…

Parsha Korach

This week’s parsha is Korach: Numbers 16:1-18:32 Korach (16:1-18:32) – (Korach): Haftorah: I Samuel 11:14-12:22 (Ashkenazi); I Samuel 11:14-12:22 (Sephardi) 16:1-11: Rebellion in the Wilderness 17:15-26: A new proof of Aaron’s greatness 16:12-19: Moses summons Dathan and Abiram 17:27-28: The…

Parsha Shelach

This week’s parsha is Shelach: Numbers 13:1-15:41 Shelach (13:1-15:41) – (Send): Haftorah: Joshua 2:1-24 (Ashkenazi); Joshua 2:1-24 (Sephardi) 13:1-15: The command to send spies to Eretz Yisrael 14:26-39: God spells out the decree 13:16-26: Moses prays for Joshua 14:40-45: A…

Parsha Beha’alotekha

This week’s parsha is Beha’alotekha: Numbers 8:1-12:16 Beha’alotcha (8:1-12:16) – (When You Set Up): Haftorah: Zechariah 2:14-4:7 (Ashkenazi); Zechariah 2:14-4:7 (Sephardi) 8:1-4: The Menorah 10:35-36: The Ark goes forth 8:5-22: Consecration of the Levites 11:1-3: The complainers 8:23-26: Apprenticeship and…

Parsha Naso

This week’s parsha is Naso: Numbers 4:21-7:89 Naso (4:21-7:89) – (Lift Up): Haftorah: Judges 13:2-25 (Ashkenazi); Judges 13:2-25 (Sephardi) 4:21-28: The Gershonites responsibilities 5:23-31: The scroll 4:29-37: The Merarites’ responsibilities 6:1-8: The Nazirite 4:38-49: The totals 6:9-12: Sudden contamination 5:1-4:…

Parsha Bamidbar

This week’s parsha is Bamidbar: Numbers 1:1-4:20 Bamidbar (1:1-4:20) – (In the Wilderness): Haftorah: Hosea 2:1-22 (Ashkenazi); Hosea 2:1-22 (Sephardi) 1:1-3: Census in the Wilderness 3:1-4: The progeny of Moses and Aaron 1:4-43: The tribal leaders 3:5-10: Appointment of the…

Parsha Behar-Bechukotai

This week’s parsha is Behar-Bechukotai: Leviticus 25:1-27:34 Behar (25:1-26:2) – (On The Mount): Haftorah: Jeremiah 32:6-27 (Ashkenazi); Jeremiah 32:6-22 (Sephardi) 25:1-7: Shemittah/Sabbatical Year 25:35-38: Preventing poverty 25:8-13: Yovel/Jubilee Year 25:39-46: A Jew’s Jewish “slave” 25:14-22: Sequence of the passages 25:47-55:…