Tanakh Manuscripts

Khirbet Qumrān

Image: Khirbet Qumran [Wikipedia] Dead Sea Scrolls The Dead Sea scrolls consist of roughly 900 documents, including texts from the Tanakh, discovered between 1947 and 1956 in eleven caves in and around the Wadi Qumran near the ruins of the…

Long Time….

Image: WOW Torah Reading [Wikipedia] I am sorry that it has been so long since I have posted here or put anything up on YouTube. I have been going through my own spiritual journey …. I’m trying to figure out where…

Parsha Re’eh – 5777

Moses speaking to Israel - Deuteronomy Chapters 29-30

Parshat Re’eh In-Depth “See, I give you today a blessing and a curse (Deuteronomy 11:26) Freedom of choice has been granted to every man: if he desires to turn toward a good path and be righteous, the ability to do…

Parsha Eikev – 5777

the golden calf

Parshat Eikev In-Depth “Because you hearken to these laws (Deuteronomy 7:12) The commentaries dwell on the Hebrew word eikev in this verse—an uncommon synonym for “because.” Many see a connection with the word akeiv (same spelling, different pronunciation), which means…

Parsha Vaetchanan – 5777

cities of refuge

Parshat Vaetchanan In-Depth “I beseeched G‑d at that time (Deuteronomy 3:23) Prayer is called by ten names: cry, howl, groan, song, encounter, stricture, prostration, judgment and beseeching. [These synonyms for prayer are derived from: Exodus 2:23–24, Jeremiah 7:16, Psalms 18:6,…