Category Judaism 101

Judaism 101: What is the Mishneh Torah

The Mishneh Torah (“Repetition of the Torah”) subtitled Sefer Yad HaHazaka (“Book of the Strong Hand,”) is a code of Rabbinic halakhah (Jewish religious law) authored by Maimonides (Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, also known as RaMBaM or “Rambam”), one of…

Judaism 101: What is the Talmud? (Part II)

The Mishnah is a compilation of legal opinions and debates. Statements in the Mishnah are typically terse, recording brief opinions of the rabbis debating a subject; or recording only an unattributed ruling, apparently representing a consensus view. The rabbis recorded…

Judaism 101: What is Judaism?

Torah Scrolls

What is Judaism? Sources: 1Alieza Salzberg. “Judaism after the Temple: Coping with destruction and building for the future.” MyJewishLearning, n.d. [] 2I. Epstein. “Tractate Gittin.” [] 3American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. “Tradition.” Jewish Virtual Library, 2008. [] 4I. Epstein. “Tractate Berachot.” []…